Photo Collection  |  

Experimental film  |  

Video art  |  

Red  |  

redlofe-3-sepehr nasihatgar
redlofe-2-sepehr nasihatgar
red life photo sepehr nasihatgar

Freedom Square  |  

Azadi-3-sepehr nasihatgar
Azadi-2-sepehr nasihatgar
Azadi-1-sepehr nasihatgar

Kourdestan  |  

sepehr nasihatgar-1- kourdesstan.psd
sepehr nasihatgar-4- kourdesstan
sepehr nasihatgar-5- kourdesstan
sepehr nasihatgar-2- kourdesstan
sepehr nasihatgar-3- kourdesstan
sepehr nasihatgar-6- kourdesstan

Magic Sky  |  


Ramp  |  

The loud cry of the whistle wishing for the train to rise and the train in the dream of connecting wheels and wheels to embrace the rails and rails to collaborate with the millions of nameless stones and symbols lying on the ground, left the peaceful sleep of the birds in the hands of the wind. After that day, no one remembered anything, except the bird who had pledged his wings to hear the whistle of the moon!

asasnameh-sepehr nasihatgar photo

Metro  |  

sepehr nasihatgar photo2

Untitled  |  

sepehr nasihatgar photo3

Untitled  |  

sepehr nasihatgar photo1

AbAnbar  |  

sepehr nasihatgar photo4